
West Vancouver Timeline

West Vancouver Timeline

Our West Vancouver Timeline will always be “a work in progress”. We welcome suggestions regarding historical events not yet included in the Timeline.

We acknowledge that we are on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Squamish Nation, Tsleil-Waututh Nation and Musqueam Nation. We recognize and respect them as nations in this territory, as well as their historic connection to the lands and waters around us since time immemorial.

Credits: Content originally from the West Vancouver Museum & Archives. Compiled from material collected by: Hugh Johnston and Dave Barker, West Vancouver Historical Society, Rupert Harrison, District of West Vancouver, and the West Vancouver Museum and Archives. Pre-contact to 1938 was written and adapted by Gallery Guide Volunteer Yvonne Wilson, March 2003.



1980: On April 30, 1980 the formation of the West Vancouver Historical Society was endorsed for the purpose of preserving West Vancouver’s historical heritage for the knowledge and benefit of all the citizens of West Vancouver. The Society was incorporated under the Society Act of BC on July 14, 1980.


1981: Opening of the West Vancouver Seniors Centre at 21st and Marine Drive.

The Centre was awarded the 1981 Canadian Architects’ Award of Excellence and the 1985 Canadian Parks and Recreation Association Facility Excellence Award.


1985: Negotiations underway with the Squamish Band to allow development of Ambleside Park and the Centennial Seawalk.

Horseshoe Bay Revitalization initiated.


1987: District of West Vancouver 75th Anniversary Celebrations.


1994: Gertrude Lawson House opened as the Municipal Museum and Archives on July 1, 1994.

Through cooperation with BC Rail, preservation of almost all usable land along Seaview Walk for recreational community development became a reality. Dedication of certain municipal lands above Upper Levels Highway as old growth wilderness park.


1994: Point Atkinson was designated a National Historic site in recognition of its crucial role in navigation and life saving to B.C’s marine trade.


1995: Expanded Seniors’ Centre opened. Citizen Survey of 1995 awarded the municipal organization a 97 percent approval rating.


1996: Lightkeeper services were terminated at Point Atkinson on May 31st, and the station was automated with solar panels and batteries to power a rotating beacon and electronic foghorns.

The horns were permanently removed two years later.


1997: West Vancouver Court House officially amalgamated with North Vancouver and moved to that district.

District of West Vancouver wins Communities In Bloom Award.


1999: BC Ferries/Horseshoe Bay development issues escalate.

Recreation Facilities Master Plan developed.


2000: Celebration of the Millennium with completion of the Millennium Clock and Millennium Tree projects.


2010: February 12 to 28 the 2010 Winter Olympics snowboarding and freestyle skiing events were held on “Cypress Mountain”.


2010: The Commemoration of the Lions Gate Bridge as a National Historic Site was held on May 23, 2010.