Elaine Graham receives Community Award
Elaine Graham received a West Vancouver Community Award on November 30, 2017 for her contributions to the preservation of heritage through education and advocacy.
A long time member of the WVHS and a board member, Elaine was the park attendant of Lighthouse Park from 1988-2013. Her husband, Don Graham, was keeper of the Point Atkinson Lightstation. When Don passed away in 2003, Elaine carried on as groundskeeper of the Lightstation.
Highlights of Elaine’s contributions to her community:
Elaine helped establish the Phyl Munday Nature House at the Lighthouse Park and founded its ongoing nature program to train guide leaders.
In 1998, Elaine and concerned neighbours founded the Lighthouse Park Preservation Society. She currently sits on the board, edits the society’s newsletter, and coordinates a speaker series at the West Vancouver Memorial Library.
As a member of the Point Atkinson Lightstation subcommittee (PALS), Elaine advocated for the restoration of the Fog Alarm Building, WW11 Power House and acquired a Heritage BC grant towards painting of the iconic lighthouse. The goal is to establish Point Atkinson as an interpretive centre.
In 2017, Elaine set up the open house of the light station to celebrate the Canada 150; a celebration including tours, storytelling, informative talks and even a puppet show for the kids.
Congratulations, Elaine. Thank you for your commitment to the preservation of Point Atkinson Lightstation!