The West Vancouver Historical Society has spearheaded and published or financially supported a number of books that highlight the rich history and the people of West Vancouver. Revenue from book sales enables us to support special projects of the West Vancouver Memorial Library, West Vancouver Archives, and the West Vancouver Museum that enable our community memory keepers to document, preserve and celebrate the history of West Vancouver.
The team and how it all began

WVHS Book Committee Arrivals and Departures – Back Row: Rob Morris, Dave Barker, Jim Carter, Colleen Wood, Front Row: John Moir, Francis Mansbridge
A small group of society members, led by Jim Carter, former president and now a life member of WVHS, took on the responsibility of producing our first book, Cottages to Community, to commemorate West Van’s centennial. Archivist and local historian Francis Mansbridge blends the historic record and personal memories into narratives that tell West Vancouver’s story. John Moir finds the images and photographs from our past that complement and enhance the chronicle of West Vancouver. Mary-Jean Butler and Colleen Wood of Butler + Wood Design, based in West Vancouver created the design and layout for our books. Other members of the society have dedicated their time to launching and selling the books. For our latest book, Dreamers and Designers, WVHS partnered with Harbour Publishing.
To purchase one of our books, please contact us.