WVHS members receive the society’s newsletter, Memories, published quarterly in September, November, March and May. The newsletter highlights interesting stories and photographs about life in West Vancouver and how the community has evolved over the years.
Laura Anderson is our new Editor of Memories beginning with the November 2019 issue. Laura has a long career in communications and working with seniors and she is a regular contributor to the North Shore News, writing the column Memory Lane. Laura has been a WVHS board member for many years. We are fortunate to have Laura as the Editor of Memories. Lynda Roberts, WVHS Treasurer is also now working with Laura to produce the Memories newsletters.
Dave Barker previously produced and edited Memories for over ten years up until November 2018. As an educator and fourth generation West Vancouverite, Dave knows his local lore. He kept the focus on West Vancouver’s history with the help of local contributors and experts in their fields. Dave stepped down from his role with Memories and we thank him for his long time leadership and wonderful newsletters. Leane Neufeld, WVHS Board Member in 2018/19, produced and edited 2 issues of Memories (March and May 2019) on an interim basis.
The West Vancouver Memorial Library has an archive of all past newsletters of the WVHS. Originally called History-Onics and renamed Memories, find past newsletters to 1983 at: West Vancouver Memorial Library Historical Photograph Collection .
If you have an interest in contributing to the newsletter, or becoming a member, contact us.